Your First CXWorx Class

When I first heard there was an intense 30 minute abs class coming to my gym, I was excited! I’m always looking for ways to work out more efficiently and who doesn’t aspire to have a six-pack? I took my first CXWorx class in 2012 and while it was extremely challenging, I loved it. Usually just called ‘CX,’ it was the latest offering from fitness juggernaut Les Mills promising increased core strength, a toned butt, legs and abs, and as a nice sweetener – better posture.

I kept going back and after just one month, I noticed how much stronger my core was. I could plank for longer, do bicycle crunches with confidence, and also built my lower abdominal strength. While I’m yet to get that six-pack, I have definition in my abs that I entirely credit to CXWorx (in conjunction with a good diet). Five years on – I still love CX! I usually do two classes a week, mostly after RPM or BodyPump. Nothing feels as good as strong abs. Bonus? You can do it on your lunch break! 

Class Overview

CXWorx involves six tracks, each about five minutes. As with all Les Mills classes, there are four new workouts each year called ‘releases.’ Instructors will typically do the new release for a month before mixing new and old tracks. You’ll find a mix of pop, hip hop and dance cover music including my favourites PNAU’s Chameleon, David Guetta’s Titanium and DJ Snack & Lil Jon’s Turn Down for What. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect in each track: 

  • Track 1: Warm up – crunches, bicycle crunches and some glute bridges.
  • Track 2: Abs – The hardest track! A combination of planks and crunches, alternating between the two for a few rounds. There are variations of each exercise such as walking planks, planking while tapping or raising one leg, C crunches, and leg drops. See terminology below. 
  • Track 3: Back/spine – you’ll be on your feet using the resistance band and/ or weights, likely doing regular or side lunges with arms raised, woodchoppers and squats. 
  • Track 4: Glutes – One of my favourite tracks because you’ll 100% feel your butt working! You’ll again likely use a resistance band to do lunges, squats, single-leg squats and even just walking/tapping your foot with the band. Expect some glute bridges too. 
  • Track 5: Obliques – in my opinion, the second hardest track. Moves include mountain climbers, oblique crunches, side hovers, rotating hovers and bicycle crunches.
  • Track 6: Posture/cool down – this track typically has a Pilates vibe: swimming on your stomach, back extensions and glute bridges, but also potentially some upper back and shoulder work with the resistance band such as lat pull downs or seated rows. A quick stretch at the end and you’re done! 

It’s worth noting CXWorx is not recommended if you’re pregnant, and you should also avoid doing weight training afterwards as your core will be fatigued. But cardio or yoga is fine! 

Before you leave home

CXWorx is great because you don’t have to prepare a thing. Put on your active gear, grab a water bottle and a towel and you’re set! Ladies, you’ll likely be planking for an extended period so skip low-cut tops and sport bras unless you want to blind your neighbour. I also try to avoid wearing shorts to CX as your groin area can feel exposed at times, for example, when crunching your top leg during a side hover. As for eating and drinking before class, remember it’s only 30 minutes. You’ll be using your ab muscles a lot but not jumping around – I can eat a raw ball or guzzle half a bottle of water before class if I need without any issues.

On arrival

As with every time you take a new class, get there 5-10 minutes early and introduce yourself to the instructor. They should point you to what equipment you need (more on that below) and also give tips for beginners during the class. You’ll be moving around a lot so keep your area clear by putting any belongings (apart from your towel and water) away in a locker or cubby, if provided. While it’s tempting to set up in the back row, aim for the middle so you can see the instructor and watch others around you if needed. If your gym has mirrors, even better! 


The three main items you’ll need are a mat, resistance band and possibly weights. The resistance bands come in different levels (indicated by different colours), so it’s important to get the beginner band. If in doubt, just grab the colour most people in the class have. Weights are mostly used in CX to make crunches, squats, lunges and occasionally side planks more challenging. If you’re new to exercising or recovering from injury, you could skip them entirely. If you already do weight training, grab a few different ones. Instructors should say at the beginning of the class what weights they recommend.


Here are some of the most common words you’ll hear in a CX class, although most will be familiar if you already exercise. You don’t need to memorise this list as the instructor will be demonstrating the moves as well. 

  • Bicycle crunch: alternating between left and right oblique crunches while simultaneously extending a single leg, similar to riding a bike. 
  • Crunch: the most basic ab move. YouTube if you need. 
  • C crunch: a basic crunch where you also raise your feet off the ground with knees bent, stopping directly above your hips – forming a “C” shape.
  • Glute bridge: lay on your back with your knees pointing up, but feet flat on the ground. Lift your butt off the ground by squeezing your glutes. 
  • Mountain climbers: like a plank, but with your arms extended under your shoulders. Bring one knee to the same elbow, return, and do the same with the other. Increase speed and repeat.
  • Plank/hover: with only your forearms and toes on the ground, brace your body like it’s a plank of wood. Your butt will try rise like a teepee as you fatigue, but keep it in line with your shoulders. You can plank with your knees down too for an easier option. 
  • Pulse: doing any exercise as a micro-move and faster. Common in crunches, glute raises and lunges. 

During the class

The warm up will give you a crash course in the basic moves, while track two is the hardest. I find track five quite challenging too, but I also really enjoy oblique workouts so look forward to it. Track six is a breeze in a Pilates kind of way. 

Remember to keep your core switched on at all times. When doing crunches, that means your lower back is pushing down on the ground. If it feels much harder exercising that way, you’re doing it right! Also watch for your butt sticking up when planking. I remind myself constantly to keep my shoulders and hips in line, and use mirrors to check if they’re available. 

The next day & beyond 

CX will make you hurt in the most weird and wonderful places! My lower abs and glutes usually feel it the most, and after a long break it can hurt to laugh the next day. Gentle stretching, yoga or a simple walk can help reduce some of the pain. But I guarantee after a month or so of classes, you’ll notice how much stronger your core is. You’ll plank for longer, use or increase weights and take the more advanced options. I particularly like CX for targetting glute muscles to support my running. At only 30 minutes, everyone has time to get a strong core!  

QUESTION: What’s your favourite part of the body to train?